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Message from Chairman

E. Alanzo Doll (MBCS, CITP)
Chairman 2024/2025

It is an honor to be elected as Chairman of the BCS Sri Lanka section for the year 2023 / 2024. My journey with the BCS Sri Lanka section spans over 12 years having been involved in several project subcommittees, judge at both National ICT awards & APICTA awards and serving as a section office bearer in the capacity of treasurer for the past two years.

This year is a significant and transformational year for our entire ICT industry, with the honourable president of Sri Lanka Mr Ranil Wicramasinghe declaring his commitment to build a digitalised modern Sri Lanka, at the launching ceremony of DIGICON 2030.

We at BCS Sri Lanka section are an integral part of this journey, working closely with the ministry of technology, ICTA and other industry bodies to achieve this goal. Furthermore our signature event the ‘National ICT Awards’ (NBQSA) will be a part of the digital month scheduled for later this year. The National ICT Awards organized by BCS Sri Lanka section for the 25th time, recognises outstanding achievements of organizations and individuals who have developed high quality ICT products whilst creating international recognition of these local products as well.

This year we plan to focus on providing more BCS professional member benefits by conducting tech events such as the ‘AI & Data summit’, tech forums & networking events as well as providing offers and benefits through our many partner organizations to our membership.

Initiatives such as ‘Woman in IT’ and ‘Early career professionals’ will also form some of the projects that we plan to undertake during the year. I believe these planned projects align well with the ‘BCS Policy and Influence’ mandate of being an influential voice in the tech sector listened to by government, industry and wider society.

I would like to invite all members to be a part of this journey by contributing with your ideas and time by volunteering to any of the subcommittees you feel passionate about and continue to take the Sri Lanka section to greater heights.